Write Your Language Journal

It's about practicing a language by writing daily.

How WT Works

πŸ‘‹ Hey there, Write Towners! If you've just joined Write Town or are considering it, you might be wondering, "How does this community work?" Well, let me give you a tour behind the scenes. πŸ’­πŸ’«
Write Town
The Challenge
Write 140 words daily in your target language. why? Because practice makes progress!
Unlock Stickers with your writing streaks in WT! β˜•οΈβœ¨ Every word counts towards your achievements.
Write Town
Track Progress
Track your daily writing streaks and stats. It's like having a personal language coach by your side.
Write Town
Privacy Matters
It's personal and anonymous if you prefer, but it's also a supportive community where you can give and receive feedback.
Write Town
Enhance Your Learning
Add tasks, new vocabulary, and play with your language skills.

Ready to transform your language skills? Dive into WT today! πŸŒŸπŸ“πŸŒ #WriteTownJourney

No credit card required. Free in Beta, then $4/mo.

Your Daily Writing Challenge: 140 Words a Day! πŸ“…πŸ–‹οΈ

Writing just 140 words a day, and you'll be amazed at the transformation in your language skills.

🌈 Why 140 words? It strikes a perfect balance between challenge and attainability. 🎯 Long enough to enable you to express your thoughts with clarity, practice grammar and vocabulary, and, most importantly, build confidence in your language skills.

As you embrace this challenge, something magical happens. ✨ Your language skills start to bloom. Your fluency takes flight, your vocabulary becomes a treasure chest of words, and your grammar becomes your loyal sidekick. πŸ’ͺ But that's not all – you're learning in a practical context, using your language skills in real-world scenarios! 🌍

No credit card required. Free in Beta, then $4/mo.

Your Personal Language Journal πŸ““βœ¨

  • It's completely up to you whether to share or keep it locked away! Once you've written your 140 words of wisdom, they find a cozy home in your personal language journal. 🏑 It's your sanctuary – a place to experiment, make mistakes, and refine your language writing skills. πŸ’¬
No credit card required. Free in Beta, then $4/mo.

Feedback for Growth πŸŒ±πŸš€

  • Request feedback: But here's where the real magic happens. You're not alone in this journey. I've built Write Town with feedback and growth in mind. 🌟 After you submit your writing, you have the chance to request feedback from our supportive community of language enthusiasts and wordsmiths.

I believe that learning thrives in a supportive, collaborative environment. πŸ€— Your fellow Write Town travelers are your allies in your quest for language excellence. Share your insights, learn from others, and watch your language skills evolve like never before! 🀝.

No credit card required. Free in Beta, then $4/mo.

Tracking Your Progress πŸ†πŸ’ͺ

  • Track each day: One of the most exciting aspects of Write Town is the ability to track your language writing journey. πŸ—ΊοΈ It's like having a personal language coach right by your side, cheering you on every step of the way! πŸŽ‰
  • Review your past entries: This isn't just for reminiscing; it's a powerful tool for self-improvement. 🧐
  • Analytics: Write Town provides insightful analytics to help you understand your progress better. πŸ“ˆ You can track your word count, spot trends in your language usage, and set inspiring personal goals! πŸ₯… By consistently hitting your daily word count, you're forging a powerful writing habit that aligns perfectly with your language learning aspirations! πŸ“πŸŒŸ
No credit card required. Free in Beta, then $4/mo.